“Why Don’t You Do Something About It?”

As your elected councillors, it’s a question we hear all the time.

About schools, about services, about traffic, about housing and, of course, about potholes.

And it’s a complex question. But one that you may be able to help us answer.

The residents of Farnham are served by three tiers of Local Authority (Councils):

Farnham Town Council

Waverley Borough Council

Surrey County Council

These three Councils operate within a complex structure controlled by the Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, part of Central Government.

And each Council is responsible for delivering different services to Farnham residents.

On a day-to-day basis, all Council services are delivered by paid Officers and Staff, who are accountable to elected Councillors.

It is elected Councillors, such as those from the Farnham Residents Group, who agree the budgets, oversee services and set Council policy.

These Councillors are unpaid volunteers who contribute to their communities by ensuring their Council provides the best possible service, in the most cost-effective manner possible, to the residents of their Ward, Town, Borough, or County.

Whatever the issue, their aim is to “do something about it”.

And here’s how you can too.

Most people agree there is no place for politics in Local Government, and the Farnham Residents Group was formed in 2015 to include independently minded local residents who put People before Politics.

We now have 14 Town Councillors (overall control) 13 Borough Councillors (part of controlling coalition) and 3 County Councillors (including Leader of the Independents Group)

We are always looking to increase our membership and supporters, so want to hear from people who are passionate about our town and want to improve its infrastructure and housing delivery as well as other services (too many to mention here)

So, why don’t you do something about it?

Join Farnham Residents and help make a difference to Farnham.

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