Our Response To Your Issues

Farnham Residents Group, the independent political voice for the residents of Farnham, continually meets with other independent and residents group councillors to discuss areas of mutual interest and ways in which we might learn from, and support, each other.

We recently met with the Whitehill & Bordon Community Party who, like us, have a strong mandate to represent the grassroots views of their residents, control their town council, form part of a coalition administration in their district council, and have an elected member on their County Council.

The meeting illustrated that local residents group face a number of near identical issues.

For Farnham, these issues and our response to them, is summarised in ten statements:

Work with local residents groups to promote genuinely affordable and social housing on sites allocated within the current/future Farnham Neighbourhood Plan.

Identify potential needs for, and campaign for delivery of, appropriate infrastructure (schools, roads, doctors’ surgeries etc.) to keep pace with new housing.

Liaise with appropriate utility companies to address residents’ concerns about water provision and sewage treatment capacity resulting from new developments.

Ensure that future housing and commercial developments understand and implement requirements to increase flood resilience and protect the flood plain.

Promote the development of council owned land to become sports and leisure facilities that can be enjoyed by Farnham residents of all ages.

Protect Farnham’s environment by introducing programmes to encourage bio-diversity, combat climate change and prevent sewage discharges into the River Wey.

Improve the provision of new sustainable public transport initiatives, such as the LCWIP, tailored to meet the requirements of local communities.

Support plans to extend and reinforce the established HGV ban and 20 MPH zones, particularly outside schools.

Work with all involved parties to ensure a successful conclusion to the Brightwells & Woolmead Developments for the Farnham community.

Maintain the provision of all necessary front line services by producing efficient Council budgets that minimise increases in Council Tax.

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