Walk & Talk At The Farnham Walking Festival

Farnham Walking Festival is back from 11 May to 2 June and offers a programme of around 40 free walks celebrating the best of Farnham’s great outdoors.

New for 2024 is a series of Ward Walks hosted by Farnham Town Councillors.

Residents are invited to join their local councillors for a walk on their patch.

The walks will vary from ward to ward but are likely to include local places of interest and an opportunity to talk and get to know your elected representative in an informal setting.

The dates for the eight Ward Walks are as follows:

15.05.24 : Weybourne – 6:00pm

16.05.24 : Bourne – 6:00pm

16.05.24 : Hale & Heath End – 6:00pm

16.05.24 : Wrecclesham & Rowledge – 6:00pm

17.05.24 : Badshot Lea & Moor Park – 6:00pm

26.05.24 : North West Farnham – 2:30pm

27.05.24 : Castle – 10:30am

01.06.24 : Shortheath & Firgrove – 10:30am

You can find full details of the Farnham Walking Festival here

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