The speed limit in Upper Hale is 30 mph

The Speed limit along Upper Hale Road is 30mph. From the Shell garage to St John’s Church, traffic should be rolling at 30 mph, however as a regular user of this route, I often think I am the only person who knows the limit and tries to keep to it.

The is one reminder sign for 30 mph just past the traffic lights at the top of Upper Hale End.
There is a speeding sign at the approach to Hale Village school that flashes when drivers exceed 30mph. How often does it flash for you?

Crashmap.co.uk shows that there have been 126 incidents on the roads in this small area in 4 years

30 mph speed reminder signs are discouraged by the rules governing road signage. Drivers are supposed to know that in built up areas the limit is 30mph.
Upper Hale is a densely populated residential area in North Farnham, home to over 9000 people. It also includes 4 schools, 2 sets of local shops, as well as a retirement village.
Yet the approach to Hale and Heath End is from fast dual carriage ways, and the sections of the A3016 and A325 are fast and straight, meaning that the speed limit is hard for modern cars.
Farnham Residents are talking to Surrey County Council and Surrey Police to look at ways to ensure that the speed limits are adhered to.