Making Green Transport a reality
Farnham Residents are spear-heading an initiative to add, improve and extend the cycle routes in and around Farnham.
As Farnham Town Council declared a climate emergency in October 2019, so Farnham Residents as the main party are looking to initiatives to help the population to embrace a greener lifestyle – in this case using a bicycle to go from Hale into Farnham.
Some of the funding for the Farnham Park cycle path has come from the Folly Hill housing development, where the developers have made a contribution to local infrastructure.
Farnham Residents, Sally Dickson, Dave Beaman and George Hesse are working with Waverley Borough Council Parks and Countryside Team, and the Farnham Cycling to make the new cycle path a reality.
So far half of the necessary funding is in place, and this will cover widening and reinforcing the bridges and culverts along the path. However work will not start until all the funding is in place.

Map of Farnham Park and Town Centre
---- Depicts the proposed cycle path down the Eastern Boundary of Farnham Park
___ Existing Cycle Paths

Surrey Cycling Strategy
The second cycle path which is being pursued is from Farnham Rail Station into the Town Centre and across to the University of Creative Arts.
Both of these cycle paths have been planned and discussed for over 10 years, with the earliest mention of the proposed paths being in a report from SCC in 2008.
Farnham Residents are hoping that with the wind of climate change behind them, they can push through the changes to make a more extensive network of cycle routes a reality in the near future.