Fighting for Farnham

Support plans to extend 20 MPH zones, particularly around our schools. Improve the provision of new public transport initiatives. Work to ensure Brightwells Yard becomes a success for Farnham. Promote development of Council owned land for sports and leisure. Protect Farnham’s environment with programmes to encourage biodiversity. Campaign for more control over our roads to […]

Staged four hugelysuccessful Festivals. Returned Gostrey Meadow and six other green spaces to Farnham ownership. Awarded World Craft City Status by UNESCO Saved Farnham Museum building with £735,000 grant from Art Council Saved £860,000 in the first year of our collaboration with Guildford. Made substantial progress with Farnham Infrastructure Programme Gold winner in RHS Britain […]
Willmer House Saved at Last!

Farnham Residents councillors have been instrumental in saving the Farnham Museum located in Grade 1 listed Willmer House. The museum has been awarded a £734,335 rescue package by Arts Council England for essential (and long overdue) repairs to its historic home, Willmer House. The 18th-century building is a Grade I-listed Georgian town house, considered by […]
Farnham – A Town Worth Fighting For

Castle Street Markets The street is closed to traffic each year for two of the town’s busiest events of the year. The Farnham Food Festival is a free annual event that marks the end of a two-week celebration of food. Castle Street is closed to traffic and is transformed into a bustling marketplace for 80 or […]
Farnham Infrastructure Programme

The Farnham Infrastructure Programme (FIP) was formed in 2019 when Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council, Farnham Town Council and Jeremy Hunt MP all committed to work together to tackle the town’s air quality and congestion issues. The Farnham Board was formed shortly thereafter to consider and make recommendations on the projects, plans and resources required to achieve agreed priorities […]
Support during Cost-of-Living Crisis

Some of us think of Farnham as being an affluent town with its residents not affected by the Cost-of-Living Crisis, but nothing could be further from the truth. There are a significant number of households in Farnham that are currently living in financial difficulty, with the rising cost of living having a material impact on […]