Why SANG Is So Important

The Farnham Neighbourhood Plan (FNP) was voted for by the people of Farnham in 2020 and allocates sites for housing development and areas for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG).

SANG is a recreational site, created to attract residents of new developments away from designated sites that are protected for their valuable ecology and are sensitive to recreational activities. In Farnham’s case, the Special Protection Area (SPA) is to the north (shown in purple on the map).

The existing SANG is Farnham Park (shown in green on the map) with additional SANG sites to deal with the housing allocation shown in blue.

FNP – Policy FNP12 is clear that the SANG funded by development in Farnham, “should be readily accessed from, and well connected to, the development it serves, including by sustainable modes of transport, so that it is able to divert or intercept trips from the proposed housing development to the Thames Basin Heaths SPA.”

Despite objections from Farnham Town Council and local residents, Waverley Borough Council planning officers have accepted the use of the Naishes Wood SANG in Church Crookham, Hampshire for two developments that have been completed.

These are the Abbey View development (WA/2016/2455) and the Green Lane Meadows development (WA/20119/1171, shown in red on the map). Both are Taylor Wimpey developments, who own the Naishes Woods SANG.

The Naishes Woods SANG is not readily accessible from either development, nor is it well connected or easily accessible by sustainable modes of transport. Main access routes from both developments require residents to travel past both Farnham Park SANG and the SPA, so are unlikely to divert or intercept trips to the SPA.

A recent survey response from 63 Abbey View residents showed more than 84 per cent of residents had never been to the Naishes Woods SANG. More than 85 per cent of residents use the field adjacent to the development to the north.

These residents pay Taylor Wimpey £146 each year for upkeep of Naishes Wood, and they received a £200 voucher to buy a bike from Halfords to help with sustainable travel. Now a developer is proposing to put housing on the field that the residents of Abbey View use (WA/2023/01467), and for the SANG to be Naishes Wood.

This is completely unacceptable and completely goes against the FNP.

The field to the north of the Abbey View Estate is essentially already being used as a SANG but that will be lost. Funding from the new development and the Abbey View Estate will be diverted to Naishes Wood near Church Crookham!

To be compliant with the FNP and policy FNP12, SANG for housing development in Farnham must be in Farnham.

Local residents can get involved and help to fight against further SANG allocation for Farnham developments outside Farnham. You can still object to the plans on the Waverley Planning Portal

If you would like to get involved, please email admin@northfarnhamvoice.uk.

Farnham Residents councillors are committed to working with local residents and community groups to protect the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and ensure that Farnham gets the housing it actually needs rather than inappropriate housing imposed upon it by predatory developers.

If you’re inspired to join Farnham Residents and help protect the future of Farnham. Click Here

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