Planning System Changes

Last week, Angela Rayner announced the government’s proposed changes to the planning system. Changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) which is the document that sets out the national planning policy, are being consulted upon and responses are to be submitted by 24 September 2024.

As our Local Planning Authority, Waverley will be submitting a formal response to the Government. However, the consultation is open to all and those who wish to read the document and respond can do so here.

Following the close of this consultation, responses will be analysed and an amended NPPF will be published, to become national planning policy.

Until a revised NPPF is published, Waverley will continue to use the current NPPF for planning decision making.  However, for planning decisions that may be some time away, consideration will need to be given to potential changes, the most significant being the increase in the housing numbers (a Government target) that will need to be factored into Waverley’s next Local Plan.  

The proposed headline changes to the NPPF include: 

  • Making a revised method for assessing housing needs mandatory, requiring Waverley to plan for the resulting housing needs figure (target);
  • An outcome of the proposed revised methodology being Waverley’s housing target, set by Government, would rise from 743 to 1,102 (an increase of 48%);
  • Planning for a lower target only when we can demonstrate hard constraints and that we have exhausted all other options including a review of the Green Belt within the Borough;
  • Defining a new Grey Belt category of previously developed land within the existing Green Belt, to be brought forward into the planning system through both plan and decision-making to meet development needs;
  • Reversing the changes to the NPPF made in December 2023 which were deemed detrimental to housing supply;
  • Making wider changes to ensure that local planning authorities are able to prioritise the types of affordable homes their communities need on all housing development.

Farnham Residents Councillor, Peter Clark, Vice Chair of Waverley’s Planning Committee said:

“As our Local Planning Authority, Waverley is committed to delivering good quality housing to meet the needs of all income levels and age groups and would wholeheartedly support any revisions to planning policy that make it easier to deliver, in particular, the genuinely affordable housing our communities need to thrive”.

“However, we need to take care to strike a balance between delivering the government set housing target and ensuring that we have the appropriate infrastructure and services required to serve both existing and new residents”.

“And all of this has to be done whilst protecting our incredible natural environment and beautiful landscape within the Borough for future generations to enjoy”.

Farnham Residents councillors are committed to protecting the Farnham Neighbourhood Plan and ensuring that Farnham gets the housing it actually needs and the infrastructure required to support it.

If you’re inspired to join Farnham Residents and help protect Farnham’ future. Get in touch.

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