It was all green fingered fun at the Badshot Lea Community Garden on Bank Holiday Monday.

The Badshot Lea Bloomers hosted their annual summer picnic, which included the presentation of the awards for the Farnham Sunflower Competition. The competition was launched at an event in Gostrey Meadows earlier in the year, and over 70 sunflowers were given out. Children taking part could either plant their sunflower in the ground or in pots.

Farnham Residents Surrey County Councillor Catherine Powell was invited to present the prizes, including one to a Ukrainian family who have settled in Farnham. The family are currently visiting their home country so they participated via video call.

Chris Jackman, Farnham Residents Town Councillor for Badshot Lea and Moor Park, and also a Badshot Lea Bloomer said: “It was great to see so many people attend this wonderful event, and I am grateful for Catherine coming to present the awards for the first tallest sunflower competition. From the Badshot Lea Community Association supporting the Town Council on the Neighbourhood Plan, to the Bloomers hosting the recent Bloomin’ Kids event, and the whole community coming together to save the Gosling’s Place orchard, Badshot Lea is the epitome of community and plays it part in making Farnham a great place to live.”

Farnham Residents councillors are committed to supporting community projects such as the Badshot Lea Community Garden, and, if you’re inspired to help and support us, Click Here.

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