To coincide with the Centenary of the building of the Memorial Hall in 1920 a tree planting ceremony will be held on February 11th at 11 am 2020 at the side of the Hall by Crosby Way, to commemorate the five employees of Farnham United Breweries who lost their lives during the First World War serving their country.
Five large specimen flowering cherry trees will be dedicated – one for each of the servicemen with an accompanying informative named plaque.
The idea for the row of trees came from Australia where small towns that lost young men in the First World War planted avenues of trees with plaques and it was felt this would be a fitting way of bringing the memory of our Farnham Fallen Hero’s to life.
A search for family members has been on-going for some months with enquiries extending as far as Australia. To date three families have been found and invited and we hope to have relatives of Pvt Frederick Charles Mansey; Pvt George William Ayres and Pvt Charles Thomas Hawkins attend the ceremony as guests of honour.
The ceremony will be officiated by the Rev’d D. Uffindell Rector of St Andrews Church and attended by the Mayoress, The Royal British Legion, Councillors, friends and neighbours.
It is hoped the trees will beautify and soften the street scene of Crosby Way and display pink double flowers in the Spring and blaze of gold and red foliage in the Autumn.
This tree planting ceremony is a cooperative event between Farnham Town Council and Waverley Borough Council.
George Hesse
Farnham Castle Ward