Where We Work

Farnham Residents represent the people of Farnham in every Ward and Division, at Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council and Farnham Town Council.

Different Council Services For Farnham

Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council and Farnham Town Council work together with Surrey Police & Crime Commissioner to provide services and amenities for the residents of Farnham, which, in part, are paid for by your council tax payment.

As you can see from the diagram alongside, each council is responsible for delivering different and specific types of services and amenities across the Farnham Wards.

You can discover more about the different role of each council by visiting their website.


Each Councils Responsibility

Working In Surrey

Farnham Residents Councillors hold the following positions on Surrey County Council:

  • Residents’ Association and Independent Group Leader
Working In Waverley

Farnham Residents Councillors hold the following positions on Waverley Borough Council:

  • Deputy Leader of the Council
  • Mayor of Waverley
  • Portfolio Holder for Enforcement and Regulatory Services
  • Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI
  • Vice-Chair, Planning
  • Chair, Standards & General Purposes Committee
  • Vice-Chair, Overview & Scrutiny – Resources
Working In Farnham

Farnham Residents Councillors hold the following positions on Farnham Town Council:

  • Leader of the Council
  • Mayor of Farnham
  • Deputy Mayor of Farnham
  • Chair, Strategy & Resources
  • Chair, Assets
  • Chair, Community Action Group

Farnham Residents: Putting People Before Politics To Preserve, Protect And Provide A Better Farnham