Who We Are

Farnham Residents councillors have given Farnham a democratic voice since 2015. We are grateful for your support and hope that you continue to put your trust in us.

Councillors Who Care For Farnham

The Farnham Residents Group believes that Farnham, and the people that live in its eight Wards, deserves fair local government, freed from national party-political interests.

We do not see a need for party opinions and party whips in local government. It corrupts decision making and stops the views of the electorate from being faithfully represented.

Putting Farnham First

Our Councillors put Farnham first, giving residents strong representation and supporting decisions that actively seek to improve the town and the lives of the people who live there.

On All Three Councils

Thanks to your support, we now have thirteen Farnham Town Councillors – we are now the main political group – thirteen at Waverley Borough Council and three at Surrey County Council.

A Growing Political Presence In Farnham

Thanks to your support more councillors have been elected to preserve, protect and provide a better Farnham for you.

May 2019

Town & Borough Elections 18 Ward Seats Available

14 Farnham Town Councillors
Overall control of the council.

14 Waverley Borough Councillors
Part of the controlling administration.

May 2021

Surrey County Elections Three Seats Available

3 Surrey County Councillors
Leader of Independent Group

May 2023

Town & Borough Elections 16 Ward Seats Available

13 Farnham Town Councillors Overall control of the council

13 Waverley Borough Councillors Part of the controlling coalition.

Councillors Providing A Voice For Farnham

Here are the Farnham Residents Group Councillors who were elected at the May 2023 Local Elections. Together with the Farnham Residents Group Surrey County Councillors elected in 2021.

Alan Earwaker

Farnham Castle Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Andrew Laughton

Farnham Weybourne Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Andy MacLeod
Andy MacLeod 

Farnham Moor Park Ward
Surrey County Councillor
Waverley Borough Councillor

Brodie Mauluka 

Farnham Firgrove Ward
Farnham Town Councillor
Mayor of Farnham

Tony Fairclough

Farnham Heath End Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

David Beaman 

Farnham North West Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

George Hesse

Farnham Castle Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

George Murray

Farnham Bourne Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Graham White

Farnham North West Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Jerry Hyman

Farnham Firgrove Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor

John Ward

Farnham Rowledge & Wrecclesham Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Kika Mirylees

Farnham Moor Park Ward
Farnham Town and Waverley Borough Councillor
Farnham Firgrove Ward

Michaela Martin

Farnham Firgrove Ward
Surrey County Councillor
Farnham Town Councillor

Michaela Wicks

Farnham Heath End Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor

Peter Clark

Farnham Rowledge & Wrecclesham Ward
Waverley Borough Councillor

Sally Dickson

Farnham Hale & Heath End Ward
Farnham Town Councillor

Tim Woodhouse

Farnham Rowledge & Wrecclesham Ward
Farnham Town Councillor

Catherine Powell

Farnham North
Surrey County Councillor
Independent Group Leader

Farnham Ward Map

The Farnham Residents Group Councillors who were elected at the Waverley Borough and Farnham Town Council elections in May 2023 represent all eight Farnham Wards.

Farnham Residents: Putting People Before Politics To Preserve, Protect And Provide A Better Farnham

Alan Earwaker

I moved to Farnham nine years ago and live in in Castle ward. A college lecturer for 23 years, I have spent the last 29 years serving the local community. Currently in my third year as Town Mayor, I was a founder member of the Farnham Residents, and I’m also a Trustee of Farnham Christian Community Trust which oversees Farnham Foodbank and Farnham Frontline Money Advice. My focus is on providing help for local residents in financial hardship due to the energy and cost of living crisis, and delivering improved, locally provided and sustainable services to the town.

Andrew Laughton

Having moved to Farnham in 1998, I then spent a number of years living and working overseas in Malaysia in retail management and consulting.

I returned to live in Farnham permanently in 2019 with my teenage daughter and I now run a small property business in Guildford.

I’m keen to use my retail experience to help shape the ongoing redevelopment of Farnham town centre for the interests of local residents.

My focus is on helping Weybourne residents fight the growing threat of further inappropriate housing development, and providing facilities and support for youth projects and activities.

Andy MacLeod

Having lived in Farnham for 40 years, I’m grateful for the happy life it has given my family and the high standard of education in local schools.


I am dedicated to ensuring that Farnham remains a great place to live for future generations and my experience in local government has convinced me of the importance of keeping party politics out of local government.


My focus is on solving the town’s traffic problems while balancing needs of cyclists, pedestrians, and other road users, and ensuring Brightwells achieves the best result possible for the town.


Brodie Mauluka

I have lived in Farnham with my wife and son since 1988.


I currently run The Plough, a pub dedicated to live music in Farnham, and, with my band, have raised money for Phyllis Tuckwell, Motor Neurone and Chase Hospice.


I joined Farnham Residents as I wanted to give something back to the town which has been so good to me and my family.


My focus is on providing amenities and support for the young people of Farnham as they navigate through their teenage years and reducing the number of empty shops in the town centre and Brightwells.



Tony Fairclough

Currently Deputy Leader of Waverley Borough Council, I grew up in Farnham and, having graduated, returned to live here in 1989.


Following a successful advertising career, I now work on community projects and was co-opted onto Farnham Town Council earlier this year.


I’m actively involved with Farnham Town Football Club, was responsible for the club’s association with, and support for, the work of the Farnham Foodbank and passionately believe in a need to devolve government to a local level.


My focus is on improving the quality of services and facilities throughout North Farnham and supporting residents on key issues such as traffic & housing development.

David Beaman

I moved to Farnham in 2010, was elected to Waverley Borough Council in 2018 and, having been a town councillor for 12 years, became co-leader of Farnham Town Council in 2023

Actively involved within the community, I am Chair of the South West Surrey Disability Empowerment Network, and Director and Trustee of Creative Response.

As a Farnham Resident, I believe that national politics has no part in local government decision making.

My focus is on delivering practical solutions to the town’s traffic problems, including the provision of improved bus services, and supporting residential development only in Community supported sites.

George Hesse

I have lived in the heart of Castle Ward for the past 25 years and have been your local Councillor for the last five years.


My sole reason for standing as a Councillor is to do my best for residents.


Looking forward, I want to complete unfinished projects, support Farnham Town Football Club, open the Library Gardens on Sundays and Bank Holidays, remove Estate Agents signs that clutter the Conservation Area and get cleaner pavements.


My focus is on resisting speculative housing developments that threaten to encircle Farnham, introducing new speed calming measures, and improving the town’s roads.

George Murray

I’ve lived in Farnham, with my family, for 20 years and previously owned an independent Coffee Shop in Lion and Lamb Yard.

Active within the local business community, I’m involved in amateur dramatics with FAOS and play for the Farnham Town walking football team.

I want to contribute to the community and help improve the lives of Farnham residents.

My focus is on ensuring that Brightwells becomes a success for the town, and look to provide appropriate housing at a price that allows young people and key workers to own their homes.

Graham White

I moved to Farnham with my wife in 2012 and became co-leader of Farnham Town Council in 2023

Having run a consultancy improving lighting techniques for Roadside Retail companies, I want to spend time helping Farnham residents by supporting local issues that affect us all.

I have organised charity fundraising events for national cancer charities and local hospices and served on committees for residential housing and infrastructure improvement schemes.

My focus is on responsible development, planning and management of redundant

farmland and the wider countryside, and the protection and maintenance of new and existing walking & cycle routes in and around the town centre.

Jerry Hyman

Moving to Farnham in 1970, I studied at Farnham Grammar and have been self-employed operating engineering and management businesses since university.


I have been a School Governor, PTA Treasurer at St Peter’s, Chairman of the Friends of Farnham Park and a member of the Farnham Society. 


Having fought for Farnham non-stop on traffic, Brightwells and environmental issues since 2001, I co-founded Farnham Residents in 2015 to reform local government.


My focus is on serving Farnham residents faithfully, and implementing protections afforded to Farnham in environmental law to force genuine solutions to the town’s traffic congestion and planning issues.

John Ward

Married in Farnham in 1974, I settled in Wrecclesham 25 years ago after a career overseas in the Oil Industry.


I marched in support of a Wrecclesham Relief Road, and have been active in the community as a School Governor, member of the Farnham Society and Local Councillor since 2007.


Twice Mayor of Farnham and current Deputy Mayor of Waverley, I strongly believe that party politics is destroying effective local government.


My focus is on opposing inappropriate new housing schemes from predatory developers, and making Farnham less polluted and more pedestrian & cycle friendly without compromising local business.

Kika Mirylees

I’ve lived in Farnham for 27 years and my family comes from the surrounding area.  


Primarily an actress, I’m a member of the Waverley Borough Council Executive, and also work providing Equine Assisted Therapy, using horses to help people overcome addictions and PTSD. 


I joined Farnham Residents because of Brightwells, where no one listened to the people, and, serving on both Town and Borough councils, I was instrumental in securing the funding to save Willmer House, home to Farnham Museum.


My focus is on transforming the landfill site on Weydon Lane to create a facility

for active leisure activities, promoting affordable housing, and ways to combat loneliness.

Michaela Martin

My family has lived in Farnham for over 30 years and, running a successful retail business in the town centre, I’m fully aware of issues such as traffic congestion and a changing retail landscape.


I’m an active, vocal Town and County Councillor.


I work with community groups helping young people and would like to see active support for local young persons’ initiatives


My focus is on improving the chronic levels of traffic congestion within the town, and the successful integration of the Brightwells development into Farnham’s retail environment.

Michaela Wicks

I’ve lived in Farnham for over 30 years with a daughter that attended local schools.


My experience working in local government gives me a valuable insight into the responsibilities and requirements of local councillors.


I’m passionate about housing issues and saving green spaces, and was elected to Waverley Borough Council in 2019, currently sitting on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as well as being vice-chair of Audit and Risk.


My focus is on working with Upper Hale residents to address concerns about housing developments and traffic calming, and ensuring that Farnham remains a clean, safe, pleasant place to live.

Peter Clark

Previously Deputy Leader of Waverley Borough Council, and Ward Councillor for the villages of Wrecclesham and Rowledge, my family has lived in Farnham for 40 years, my children were educated in Farnham schools, and I support many local charities.

I was pleased to support the planning application approval for the new Rowledge Village Hall which will become a fantastic venue for all villagers.

My focus is on allocating suitable sites for housing supported by appropriate infrastructure and deterring HGVs from using the A325 Northbound to prevent them from striking the Wrecclesham bridge.


Sally Dickson

I have lived in Hale and Heath End since 2012 and my children attended All Hallows school, as well as local dance and drama schools.


I’m particularly concerned about housing and lack of infrastructure around new developments, and believe Farnham needs smaller homes for young people. 


Actively involved in local arts, I organise the Farnham Flash Fiction competition, help Farnham litter-pickers and support initiatives to remove plastics from nature


My focus is on introducing well-designed cycle paths, better footpaths, safe crossing points and lighting for year-round active travel, improving the local environment and combating the climate change threat.

Tim Woodhouse

A resident of Farnham Bourne since moving to the area in 2016, I have worked in a corporate environment for thirty years, giving me the opportunity to live abroad and experience different cultures. 


As a father of three boys who are all being educated in Farnham, I am a proud member of the community, value the community spirit we have in the town, and want to contribute to the enhancement of the town.


My focus is on preserving the local environment by promoting effective sustainability and programmes to increase bio-diversity and reduce levels of water pollution.

Catherine Powell

Catherine is a Chartered Chemical Engineer, with a master’s degree in
environmental engineering, so environmental issues have always been close to
Catherine’s heart, and she has worked on air quality and landfill issues on a
voluntary basis in Farnham for many years.

Catherine founded Facebook’s North Farnham Voice in November 2020 and
has worked tirelessly since to raise awareness of the specific challenges faced
by those living in North Farnham as well as putting forward solutions.

As the Surrey County Councillor for Farnham North, she provides an even
stronger community voice to work and to advance community issues, listen to
people’s concerns and seek to balance the lobbies of powerful vested
interests, with the views of residents, businesses, and community groups.
Her background as an engineer and project director, gives her the skills and
experience to help drive further real positive change at Surrey County Council
for the benefit of the whole community.